
Showing posts from August, 2022

Debbuging made easy

Debbuging Made Easy Debugging is the process of locating and removing coding mistakes in computer programs. In information technology and engineering, the word 'bug' is a synonym for the word 'error.' The goal of debugging is to identify and correct an error's root cause. Debugging plays an important role in the software development process and ironically, testing to determine and eliminating the presence of bugs can take just as much time as writing code. The debugging process itself consists of identify the cause of an error and fixing it. During the debugging process, which can be carried out manually or automated through software debugging tools, engineers will look for: Syntax errors Typos Errors in logic Implementation errors Code debugging software tools include software development kit (SDK) support for specific programming languages, error alert functions and a user interface (dashboard) that allows developers to drill down for more information about specif

Become a Web Designer in 10 Days

 Become a Web Designer in 10 Days Lets call this the best Steps/Guide on How to Become a Web Designer If you want to become a web designer, but you have no idea where to start, this guide is for you. Below you’ll find a step-by-step guide which helps you understand the essential knowledge and skills you’ll need to  build a successful career in web design in 10 Days With 8-10 Hours per day. Learn web design theory When it comes to learning a new discipline, it’s essential to learn foundational principles first. Well-designed websites follow strict rules of UX design — they have good usability and nice visual appeal. A good UX design will make visitors stay on your site while a bad one will make them go somewhere else. To create an eye-catching web design, it’s essential to learn color theory and the basic principles of visual hierarchy. There’s an excellent design activity called Daily UI Challenge that promises that you’ll become a better designer in 100 days. Give it a try Web design

How To Become A Web Design Expert

  How To Become A Web Design Expert Web developers and programmers are in high demand. And while it may seem complicated, if you have a passion to learn the languages, free time to practice, and some know-how on finding and working with clients, you can make a nice living building top-notch websites. Learn the languages Choose either front-end or back-end web development (or both). Make a choice to study either front-end or back-end programming. Front-end (or client-side) developers need to know a variety of languages from HTML to CSS and JavaScript to build websites with attractive designs and useful features. Back-end programmers use languages like Python and Ruby to make the site work seamlessly.[1] Studying both front-end and back-end development will help you take on multiple types of jobs. You can also focus on user experience (UX), user interface (UI), or software development. Parts of these disciplines are incorporated in any web-development education.

How to Create Your Own Website

  How to Create Your Own Website  Do you know that   Millions of websites are created everyday. It’s easy and you can do it too in less than 20 minutes. let me show you how😘 Choose the Perfect Domain First choosing a domain is one of the most important decisions you can make for your site. It’s the address for your site and the way people will remember your website. While many of the best domains are taken, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find a perfect domain  for your brand.  When brainstorming good domain names, consider the following elements: Easy to say and spell.  Potential visitors should be able to say your domain name out loud to someone without them having to ask twice how to spell or say it. Short and sweet.  We recommend no more than 14 characters. You don’t want an overly long domain name that’s hard to remember and say. Go with .com, .org, or .net.  While there are plenty of domain name systems out there, it’s best to stick with the tried-and-true. You want peopl